How SEOs Make the Web a Better Place

Josh Ternyak

June 13, 2024

How SEOs Make the Web a Better Place

The Role of SEO in Website Accessibility

When it comes to creating an inclusive online environment, SEO professionals play a crucial role in ensuring website accessibility. They understand the importance of making websites accessible and usable for everyone, including those with disabilities such as auditory, cognitive, physical, neurological, and visual impairments. While this responsibility is often overlooked in SEO discussions, it is essential for making a positive impact on accessibility through their work [1].

Ensuring Inclusivity through SEO

SEO professionals strive to optimize websites for search engines, but their role goes beyond just rankings. By considering accessibility in their strategies, they contribute to a more inclusive web experience. This involves implementing techniques like proper heading structure, descriptive alt text for images, and ensuring that content is perceivable and operable for users with disabilities. SEOs can also collaborate with web developers and designers to ensure that accessibility best practices are followed throughout the website's design and development process.

Importance of Accessible Websites

The need for accessible websites has become even more critical in recent times, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a survey, 62% of accessibility practitioners reported that the pandemic has raised awareness about the impact of accessibility on the digital channel [1]. With more people relying on online platforms for various activities, including healthcare, education, and remote work, it is crucial to ensure that websites are accessible to all users.

Accessible websites benefit not only individuals with disabilities but also the wider audience. By removing barriers and making websites more user-friendly, SEO professionals contribute to a better user experience for everyone. This can lead to increased engagement, improved customer satisfaction, and increased conversions.

To ensure a website is accessible, it must meet four principles known as POUR: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust. These principles focus on removing barriers, making the website usable for all users, ensuring information is understandable, and making the website accessible across different technologies and platforms [1].

By incorporating accessibility considerations into their SEO strategies, professionals can help make the web a better place for all users, regardless of their abilities. It is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic move to improve user experience, expand online reach, and ensure compliance with accessibility laws.

In the following sections, we will explore the impact of website accessibility on SEO, the importance of user experience, and strategies for improving website accessibility to enhance organic traffic and avoid legal implications.

Impact of Website Accessibility on SEO

When it comes to website development and optimization, SEO professionals have a significant role to play in ensuring accessibility. They understand the importance of creating websites that are inclusive and usable for everyone, including individuals with auditory, cognitive, physical, neurological, and visual impairments. By considering accessibility in their SEO strategies, SEO professionals contribute to making the web a better place for all users [1].

SEO Professionals' Consideration of Accessibility

According to a survey conducted on Twitter, over 58% of SEO professionals take website accessibility into account when working on a site's SEO. This highlights the growing recognition within the SEO community of the significance of accessibility in website development and optimization. By integrating accessibility practices into their work, SEO professionals help ensure that websites are accessible to a wider audience, enhancing user experience and promoting inclusivity.

Accessibility Awareness during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased awareness to the importance of website accessibility. With the shift towards digital channels for various activities, such as remote work, online learning, and telehealth, the need for accessible websites has become even more critical. Approximately 62% of accessibility practitioners report that the pandemic has raised awareness about the impact of accessibility on the digital channel. This heightened awareness reinforces the need for SEO professionals to prioritize accessibility in their strategies and ensure that websites are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

By considering accessibility in SEO practices, SEO professionals contribute to a more inclusive and user-friendly web. Their efforts help ensure that individuals with disabilities can access and navigate websites effectively, promoting equal opportunities and enhancing the overall digital experience for all users.

Principles of Accessible Websites

Creating accessible websites is essential to ensure inclusivity and provide a seamless user experience for all individuals, regardless of their abilities. To achieve this, websites must adhere to four key principles known as POUR: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust.

The POUR Principles in Website Accessibility

  1. Perceivable: A perceivable website ensures that all users can perceive the information and content presented on the site. This includes providing alternative text for images, captions for videos, and descriptive headings for easy navigation. By implementing these measures, individuals with visual impairments or other disabilities can still understand the content of the website.
  2. Operable: An operable website focuses on ensuring that all users can interact with the website and its features. This involves providing clear and consistent navigation, allowing users to explore the site using keyboard controls, and avoiding elements that may cause seizures or other physical reactions. An operable website accommodates individuals with mobility impairments or other limitations.
  3. Understandable: An understandable website ensures that the content and functionality of the site are clear and easy to comprehend. This involves using plain language, organizing content in a logical manner, and providing instructions or cues to guide users. An understandable website benefits individuals with cognitive or learning disabilities, making the information more accessible and digestible.
  4. Robust: A robust website is built to be compatible with different technologies and platforms. It ensures that the website remains accessible as technology evolves. This includes using standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding practices, as well as testing the website across various browsers and devices. A robust website guarantees that individuals using different assistive technologies can access and navigate the site effectively.

By following the POUR principles, website owners and SEO professionals can create websites that offer an inclusive and user-friendly experience for all visitors. Adhering to these principles not only benefits individuals with disabilities but also improves the overall usability and accessibility of the website for a wider audience.

It is important to note that website accessibility goes beyond just meeting legal requirements; it is a moral obligation and a strategic move for businesses. Creating an inclusive online experience can lead to financial opportunities, as the global spending power of people with disabilities and their families is significant, amounting to $8 trillion [2]. Additionally, non-compliance with accessibility laws can result in legal implications and associated costs due to the increasing number of lawsuits against non-compliant websites. Therefore, incorporating the POUR principles into website design and development is not only the right thing to do but also a strategic and financially beneficial choice.

User Experience and SEO

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), user experience plays a crucial role in determining the success of a website. Google, the leading search engine, has been emphasizing the importance of user experience for search ranking for years. In 2021, Google introduced Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics that measure various aspects of user experience on websites [2]. This shift in focus highlights the significance of user experience in SEO.

Google's Emphasis on User Experience

Google's emphasis on user experience reflects its commitment to delivering the most relevant and user-friendly search results. The search engine giant recognizes that a positive user experience leads to increased engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, better search rankings. Websites that prioritize user experience are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages.

As part of its efforts to improve user experience, Google continues to refine its algorithms and introduce new metrics. Core Web Vitals, which include metrics like Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift, measure aspects such as page load speed, interactivity, and visual stability. These metrics provide insights into the overall user experience of a website and influence its search ranking.

The Significance of Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals have become a focal point for SEO professionals and website owners. These metrics help evaluate and optimize various aspects of user experience. For example, page load speed is a critical factor that impacts both SEO and conversions. According to research by Lumar, a mere 1-second delay in page load time can result in a 26% reduction in conversions. Therefore, optimizing page speed is imperative for both user satisfaction and business success.

Another aspect of user experience measured by Core Web Vitals is interactivity, which is assessed through the First Input Delay metric. This metric measures the time it takes for a website to respond to user interactions, such as clicking a button or selecting a dropdown menu. A fast and responsive website enhances user engagement and satisfaction.

Additionally, Core Web Vitals consider visual stability, as measured by the Cumulative Layout Shift metric. This metric evaluates how stable the visual elements of a webpage are during loading. Websites that prevent sudden shifts or movements of elements provide a more enjoyable browsing experience for users.

By focusing on these key aspects of user experience, website owners and SEO professionals can improve their website's performance in search rankings. Prioritizing user experience not only aligns with Google's recommendations but also enhances the overall satisfaction of website visitors.

Understanding the significance of user experience and optimizing for Core Web Vitals is a vital component of effective SEO strategies. By providing a seamless and enjoyable user experience, websites can attract and retain visitors, improve search rankings, and drive conversions.

SEO Strategies for Website Improvement

To make the web a better place, SEO professionals employ various strategies to improve website accessibility and user experience. Two key aspects that play a significant role in website improvement are the impact of page speed on conversions and the relationship between web accessibility and online discoverability.

Impact of Page Speed on Conversions

Page speed has a profound impact on user experience and website performance. Even a mere 1-second delay in page load time can lead to a 26% reduction in conversions, highlighting the critical role of page speed in both SEO and sales [2]. Users expect websites to load quickly, and if a site takes too long to load, they may become frustrated and leave, resulting in lost opportunities.

To optimize page speed, SEO professionals focus on various factors, including efficient coding, image compression, minimizing server response time, and leveraging browser caching. By implementing these strategies, websites can improve their loading speed, enhance user experience, and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Web Accessibility and Online Discoverability

Better website accessibility not only benefits users with disabilities but also positively impacts online discoverability. In a study conducted in early 2023, it was found that 73% of websites experienced an increase in organic traffic after implementing web accessibility optimizations. Furthermore, 66% of these websites saw their organic traffic increase by over 50%.

Search engines like Google prioritize user experience, and accessibility is an essential aspect of delivering a positive experience to all users. By making websites accessible, SEO professionals ensure that search engines can crawl and index the content effectively, leading to improved visibility in search engine results.

To enhance web accessibility, SEO professionals focus on factors such as text alternatives for images, clear and concise headings, descriptive link text, and keyboard navigation compatibility. These optimizations not only make websites more inclusive but also contribute to their online discoverability, attracting a wider audience.

By considering the impact of page speed on conversions and prioritizing web accessibility, SEO professionals play a crucial role in making the web a better place. They strive to create websites that are not only visually appealing but also fast, accessible, and user-friendly. Through these efforts, SEOs contribute to improving the overall online experience for users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

Legal and Financial Aspects of Website Accessibility

When it comes to website accessibility, there are important legal and financial considerations that businesses need to be aware of. Ensuring accessibility not only aligns with ethical principles, but it also presents financial opportunities and helps organizations avoid legal implications.

Financial Opportunity in Accessibility

One of the significant financial aspects of website accessibility lies in the global spending power of people with disabilities and their families. According to Lumar, this demographic holds a staggering $8 trillion in spending power. By providing an accessible online experience, businesses have the opportunity to tap into this market, potentially increasing their revenue and expanding their customer base.

Failure to make websites accessible can result in missed revenue opportunities and exclusion of potential customers. By prioritizing accessibility, businesses can ensure that their products, services, and information are accessible to all, thereby maximizing their financial potential.

Legal Implications of Non-Compliance

Apart from the financial opportunities, there are legal considerations associated with website accessibility. The number of lawsuits against non-compliant websites is increasing annually, highlighting the importance of compliance with local accessibility laws. Ensuring website accessibility is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic move to avoid legal issues and associated costs.

Organizations should be aware of the legal requirements specific to their jurisdiction and take necessary measures to meet those standards. By doing so, they can mitigate the risk of legal action, protect their brand reputation, and avoid potential financial burdens.

In summary, website accessibility has both financial and legal implications. By embracing accessibility, businesses can tap into the significant spending power of people with disabilities and their families, potentially increasing revenue. Furthermore, ensuring compliance with accessibility laws helps organizations avoid legal issues and associated costs. By prioritizing website accessibility, businesses can create an inclusive online environment, benefitting both their bottom line and their reputation.


