As Seen On

Our Clients Rank #1

For Lucrative Keywords with SEO After 3-6 Months

Start getting more potential customers to visit your website by showing up #1 where your customers are searching.

Our clients' websites rank #1 for keywords like "ABA therapy near me", "addiction treatment center near me", "home care agency near me", and much more.


Revenue generated for clients


Happy clients

million +

Organic monthly visitors for clients

1000 000

Leads generated for clients

Welcome to Growtha

Looking For an SEO Partner You Can Count On to Accelerate Your Growth?

Experience Proven Results,
Every Step of the Way

Our Clients Rank #1

Boost Your Website's Performance and Revenue!

We help you attract more traffic and generate leads that drive real revenue. Let the results speak for themselves!

Get ready for your website's SEO to blast off with Growtha.

Discover tailored strategies to attract the right audience, boost engagement, and turn visitors into loyal customers. Let us unlock your website's true potential!

Get ready for more high-quality leads (and high quantity).

Unlock high-quality leads that drive real results. We’ll help you attract the right prospects, boost conversions, and turn clicks into revenue!

Our clients love working with us

What Our Clients Say

Discover how our clients boost their rankings, drive more traffic, and achieve significant revenue growth through strategic partnerships with Growtha!

Founder & CEO of Growtha

Hey, I'm Josh Ternyak 👋

Hey! I'm Josh Ternyak, the founder & CEO of Growtha. In 2020, I founded Growtha to help local service business owners looking to expand their businesses.

Since then, I've helped transform the online presence of 200+ companies ranging from treatment centers, ABA therapy companies, home care agencies, janitorial service businesses, and everything in between.

With SEO and a high-performing website, your competitors won't stand a chance against your business in search engines like Google, Bing etc.

Josh Ternyak

Founder & CEO of Growtha

Meet our Team

Josh Ternyak

Founder & CEO

Avi Gorbacz


Shlomo Reich


Daniel Condruc

Head of Design

Pinny Rockove

Customer Success Manager

Jonathan Bobker

Account Manager